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Kingsnorth Power Station Roll Call

Surname Forename Position Dept/Team Served
Aaron Pete Shift Charge Engineer Operations 1956 - 1992
Adams Ray TA Operations ? - ?
Alexander Bob Assistant Engineer EMD ? - ?
Allen Colin Development Engineer Regional Projects 1978 ish - ?
Allen Robert Shift Team Leader Operations 1989 - 2013
Allen Frank Shift Charge Engineer Operations 1958 - 1992
Ammes Chris Engineer Operations ? - ?
Amos Len ? Services ? - ?
Amos Peter Unit Operator Operations 1970 - 1977
Angus Dave ? Regional Projects ? - ?
Antwiss Mark Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Appleyard Mick Engineer MMD ? - ?
Apps Bill ? ? ? - ?
Armstrong Geoff Unit Operator Operations 1979 - 2013
Arnold Glen Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Askew Chris Production Support Operations 1986 - 2013
Attaway Ken Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - 1992
Austin John Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Avery Arthur Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Bainbridge Allan Station Chemist Laboratory ? - ?
Baker Carl Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? -?
Baker Tony Unit Operator Operations ? - 2013
Baker Dave Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Baldwin Don Assistant Engineer Resource Planning ? - ?
Baldwin Tony Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Bantges Mick Plant Attendant Operations 1975 - 1995
Barker Graham Machinist Workshops ? - ?
Barrett Jim EUO Operations ? - 2013
Barton Chris Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Basham Bill Mobile Plant Driver Fuel Handling ? - ?
Bassett John Engineer Shift Maintenance 1974 - 1976
Bateup Trevor Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Beasley Maurice Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Beasley Stuart Unit Operator Operations 1982 - 2013
Beckett Keith Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Bedford John Assistant Engineer Regional Test ? - ?
Beet Ron Foreman Operations 1974 - 1996
Beet Paul Unit Operator Operations 1986 - 2013
Bell Andy SIME IMD Shift ? - ?
Bennett Paul SIME IMD Shift 1971 - 1978
Benning Avtar Shift Team Leader Operations ? - 2013
Billingham Roger Training Foreman Operations 1973 - 2013
Blackburn Gary Enhanced Unit Operator SAP Operations 1984 - 2012
Blackburn Ken Unit Operator Operations 1974 - 1984
Blackman Jeff Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Blades Dave Unit Operator Operations 1986 - 2013
Board Dennis Assistant Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Boast A Mobile Plant Driver Fuel Handling 1978 - 1992
Borley Pete Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Bourne Tony ? Regional Projects ? - ?
Bourner Jim R Security Guard Services 1973 - 1992
Bowers Rob Engineer MMD ? - ?
Boyce Eric Station Superintendent Management 1963 - 1970
Brace Steve Assistant Unit Operator Operations 2001 - 2013
Bradley Hugh Aux Boilers Operations ? - ?
Brennand Terry Resource Planning Manager Resource Planning 1963 - ?
Braine Kevin Technician Systems 2003 - 2011
Brice Dave Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Brice Duncan Production Manager Operations ? - ?
Brooker T H G APA Dust Plant Fuel Handling 1980 - 1992
Brown Bill Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Brown Dave Engineer Operations ? - ?
Brown Eddie Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Brown Mick A Shift Charge Engineer Operations 1958 - 1992
Bruce Graham Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Buck Ted APA Laboratory ? - ?
Budds Roger Assistant Charge Engineer Operations 1967 - 1974
Bull Derek Jetty Crane Driver Fuel Handling ? - ?
Bull Margaret Canteen Assistant Canteen ? - ?
Bundock Pete Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Burgess Brian Rigger MMD 1972 - 1991
Burridge Charlie T APA Fuel Handling 1958 - 1992
Burrin Alf Assistant Engineer EMD ? - ?
Butters Dave Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1978 - 2013
Butters Leslie Unit Operator Operations 1980 - 2013
Button Lee Fireman / first aider Services 1986 - 1995
Cadman D W E Driver ? 1975 - 1992
Cahill Peter Assistnet Engineer Works Study Dept ? - ?
Camalarie Sue Receptionist Administration ? - ?
Cameron-Potter Jason Auxillary Plant Attendant Ash And Dust (Ops) 1987 - 1997
Cammies Simon Assistant Charge Engineer Operations 1967 - 1975
Campkin Dick Foreman Services ? - ?
Cane Roy Assistant Engineer Resource Planning 1954 - 1992
Capp Doug Unit Operator Operations 1976 - 2013
Carmen Bobby Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Carpenter Roger Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Carey Kevin Assistant Chemist Laboratory ? - 2013
Carrison Richard Senior Engineer Resource Planning ? - ?
Carse Jim ? ? ? - ?
Carter John Foreman Fuel Handling ? - ?
Carter Terry ? Regional Projects ? - ?
Chisman Pete Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Chitton T W Driver ? 1974 - 1992
Clarke Rod Unit Operator Operations 2000 - 2010
Clark Nobby Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Clifton Paul Assistant Unit Operator Operations 2001 - 2013
Cockings Keith Admin Assistant Finance ? - ?
Codger F E Personal Assistant ? 1983 - 1992
Cole Dave Unit Operator Operations 1988 - 2013
Collier Barry Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Conlan Cliff Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Connolly Dennis Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Connelly Eric Supervisor Stores ? - ?
Coomber Malcolm Coordinator RCC 1975 - 1997
Cooper Derek W Senior Engineer IMD 1968 - 1992
Copland Bryan (Lucky) Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1991 - 2013
Cornish William SIME IMD Shift ? - ?
Cotton Luke Apprentice Turbine Team 2001 - 2006
Cowler Alan Engineer Commissioning Dept ? - ?
Cowper Bill Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Crabb Jim Second Engineer Operations ? - ?
Cracknell Graham Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Crawford Bill Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Creamer Bob Unit Operator Operations 1980 - 2013
Crocker Jim Engineer Operations ? - ?
Cronin Steve Assistant Shift Team Leader Operations 1976 - 2013
Cumpson Ken Engineer Services ? - ?
Cunningham Tony Foreman EMD ? - ?
Curtis Pete Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Dale George Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Daniels Dave Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Daniels Pete Instrument Mechanic (Days) IMD 1982 - 1994
Davidson Brian Senior Engineer Regional Test ? - ?
Davie Mick Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Davis Bill Assistant Chemist Laboratory ? - ?
Davis Pete Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Davis John Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Day Maurice Engineer EMD 1963  - ?
Debnam H W APA Coal Plant Fuel Handling 1975 - 1992
Delaney Liam Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Delger Bernard Mechanical Maintenance Engineer MMD 1966 - 1986
Demaine Ian Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Denham J W Technical Co-ordinator Resources 1975 - 1992
Desalvo Arthur Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Devlin Jim Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Dickinson Tony Unit Operator Operations 1987 - 2013
Dickinson John Assistant Engineer Operations ? - ?
Dilnot Barry ? Scientific Services ? - ?
Dingle Barry Acting Station Manager Management ? - ?
Dockwray Erica Station Managers Secretary Administration ? - ?
Dockwray Paul Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Dodds Mick Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Dolan John Production Manager Operations ? - ?
Doohan Peter Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Dorey Len Fitters Mate MMD ? - 2010
Douch K T Mobile Plant Driver Fuel Handling 1977 - 1992
Dougall Dave Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Douglas Andrew Engineering Manager Management ? - ?
Dove Charles Unit Operator Operations 1984 - 2003
Downie Ian Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Drake Tony Shift Team Leader Operations 2003 - 2013
Driver Alan Engineer MMD ? - 2006
Duffy Neil Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Duncombe Brian Craftsman MMD ? - ?
Duncombe Paul Unit Operator Operations ? - 2013
Durrant Richard Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Earll Peter Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1969 - 1988
Earley Ray Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1979 - 2013
East Ted Assistant Engineer Operations ? - ?
Edgar Ian Engineer MMD 1977 - 1988
Edgar Stan Engineer Training 1977 - 1988
Edmeads Colin Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Edmeades Dennis Senior Engineer KN Transmission ? - ?
Edwards John APA Dust Plant Fuel Handling 1978 - 1992
Elliot Brian Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Elliott Martin Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1969 -1979
Ellis John Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Ellis Tony Assistant Unit Operator Operations 2001 - 2013
Elmore Pete Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
English John Unit Operator Operations 1976 - 2013
Ennis Steve Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Evans Eddie Development Engineer Regional Projects 1978 ish - ?
Faggeter Alan Plant Attendant Operations 1984 - 1995
Farnworth Gordon Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Fawcett Tony Plant Attendant Operations 1988 - 2001
Fedousik Mike Engineer EMD ? - ?
Ferrier Barry Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Fielon Ian Assistant Unit Operator Operations 2000 - 2005
Firby John Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Fisher D A APA ? 1979 - 1992
Fitzpatrick Mike Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Ford John Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Forrow Peter Station Admin Officer Administration ? - ?
Fossey Martin ? ? ? - ?
Forvargue Chris Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Frain John Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Fraser Alan Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Friend Bill Foreman Services ? - ?
Freeman Greg Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Fullager John Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Fuller Ian Fitter EMD C shift 1986 - 1996
Fuller Kevin Storeman Stores 1977 - 2013
Gale Bob TA Operations 2003 - 2013
Gallivan John APA Tank Farm Fuel Handling 1971 - 1992
Geddes Reg Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Geddes Malcolm Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Geddes John Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Geen Brian Electrical Fitter EMD C shift 1979 - 1988
Gelernter Peter Assistant Engineer Development Dept 1975 - 1985
Gerry Sarah Industrial Chemist (trainee) Chemistry 2005 - 2013
Gibbons Brian W Third Engineer Resource Planning 1965 - 1992
Gibbons Gordan Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Gilbey Vaughn Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Gilles John Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Gilles Malcolm Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Gillham Brian Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Gilmore Brian Assistant Engineer Efficiency ? - 2013
Gladwell Tony Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Glasock Dave Safety Officer Safety Dept 1975 - 1997
Gledhill Andy Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Godden James Apprentice Electrician TBA 2004 - 2013
Goldfinch John Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - 2013
Graham Paul Shift Team Leader Operations 1971 - 2013
Gray Andy Fitter? EMD 1980 - 1990
Green Tony Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Griffin John Engineer Operations ? - ?
Gruber Eric Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Guilfoyle Roy TA Operations 2003 - 2013
Gundry Tony Foreman MMD ? - ?
Gurr Bert Water Treatment Operations ? - ?
Hadfield Alan Fitter MMD 1982 - 1992
Hales Harry Gardener Services 1979 - 1992
Hall Brian Craft Attendant MMD 1979 - 1992
Halliday Bernard Aux Boilers Operations ? - ?
Hammond Tony Water Treatment Operations ? - ?
Hancock Mike Assistant Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Harding Frank Engineer Fuel Handling ? - ?
Harding Jack Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Harding Roger ? Regional Ptojects ? - ?
Harman Wally Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Harrison Wayne Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1991 - 2013
Harry Ian Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Hart Bill First Engineer Regional Test ? - ?
Harvey Clive Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Harvey Chris Chief Draughtsman Drawing Office ? -?
Harvey John Commercial Manager Management ? - ?
Harvey Trevor Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Hassell Rod Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Hatcher M L Craft Operator ? 1973 - 1992
Hawkes Frank Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Hawkins Terry Foreman Operations ? - ?
Hayter Ralph Unit Operator Operations 2003 - 2013
Hayward Dennis Resource controller OPS/RCC 1972 - 1988
Hayward Stephen Electrician EMD 1976 - 2012
Haywood Peter Engineer Efficiency ? - 2005
Head Graham Unit Operator Operations 1972 - 2013
Heard Paul Craftsman MMD ? - 1988
Heathfield Dick Crane Driver Fuel Handling ? - ?
Higgins Mick Foreman Services ? - ?
Higgins Neil Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Higgins Paul Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Hill John Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Hilling Martin Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1978 - 2013
Hills Eric Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Hollands Brian Plant Attendant Operations 1970 - 1998
Holloway Peter Craftsman MMD ? - ?
Holroyd Steve Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1976 - 2013
Honeysett Jean Admin Officer Planning Dept ? - ?
Hood Peter Department Leader Production Services 1969 - 1995
Hooper Malcolm Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Hope Jack Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1978 - 1992
Hopper Harold Plant Attendant Operations ? - 1992
Horder Ron Station Manager Management 1974 - 1979
Horsham Les Machinist MMD ? - ?
Hoskin Kelvin Assistant Engineer Operations ? - ?
Houckham D (Mrs) Services Attendant Services 1980 - 1992
Howarth Ken Assistant Engineer Resource Planning ? - ?
Howe Chris Electrician Electrical Team ? - 2012
Huckle Cyril Admin Officer Administration ? - ?
Hudson S R Crane Driver MMD 1959 - 1992
Hudswell Nick Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Humphries Martin Water Treatment Operations ? - 2013
Hunt Alvin Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Hurdle Bill Mobile Plant Driver Fuel Handling ? - ?
Hutchinson John Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Hutchison Douglas Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1988 - 2013
Illingworth Peter ? Regional Test ? - ?
Jackson Steve Unit Operator Operations 1978 - 2013
James Neil Unit Operator Operations 1976 - 2013
Jarvis Ken Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Jasper J A G Services Attendant Services 1985 - 1992
Jeffcoate Jeff Training Foreman Operations ? - ?
Jeffery Jeff Unit Operator Operations 1976 - 2013
Jenkins Trevor SIME Operations ? - ?
John Donna Station Managers Secretary Administration ? - ?
Johnson Dave Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1987 - 2007
Johnson Martyn TA Operations 2003 - 2013
Jones Bob Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Jones Garnet Admin Officer Administration 1978 - 2005
Jones George Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Jones Michael Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - 2012
Joyce Peter Foreman MMD ? - ?
Kallend L R Craftsman ? 1963 - 1992
Keith Dave ? Maintenance ? - ?
Kennefick Steve Unit Operator Operations ? - 2013
Kenney Keith Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Kent John Shift Maintenance MMD ? - 1987
Kentish Charlie Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Kerr Roy Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
King Gerry Instrument Mechanic IMD 1969 - 1981
Killacky Gary Engineer Operations ? - ?
Kingshott Peter Engineer MMD ? - ?
Knight Ken Foreman EMD 1973 - 1992
Knowles Ron Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Langdridge Ricky Assistant Unit Operator Operations 2001 - 2013
Langer Pete Engineer Operations ? - ?
Law Roy Craftsman MMD ? - ?
Lawson Reg Assistant Engineer Fuel Handling ? - ?
Leach John Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Leach Tony Assistant Engineer MMD 1985 - 1992
Leech Tony 1st Engineer MMD 1974 - 1992
Leadbetter R Craftsman ? 1977 - 1992
Lee Mike ? Regional Projects ? - ?
Leek Ken Assistant Engineer Fuel Handling ? - ?
Levy Chris Plant Attendant Operations 1976 - 1999
Liyanage Tharindu Graduate Trainee Operations 2007 - 2008
Logan Tony APA Coal Plant Fuel Handling 1988 - 1993
Long Mick APA Coal Plant Fuel Handling 1974 - 1992
Long Morris APA Coal Plant Fuel Handling 197? - 199?
Lucas Dave Assistant Engineer EMD ? - ?
Macaskill Rod Second Engineer Operations 1955 - 1992
Mackay Ernie G Foreman MMD 1971 - 1992
Maher Michael Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1978 - 2013
Mallia Tony Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Mallory Dave Engineer Operations 1991 - 2000
Mandle Ken Station Manager Management 1987 - ?
Manewell Ernie Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Massingham Clinton First Engineer MMD 1972 - 1981
Marlor Dave Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Marlor Tony J Craftsman ? 1974 - 1992
Marlow Tony ? MMD ? - ?
Marshall Dave Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Martin Allan Planning Engineer Planning Dept ? - ?
Martin Richard ? ? ? - ?
Mason John Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - 2013
Masters Keith Shift Team Leader Operations 2000 - 2013
Mathias Harry ? Regional Projects ? - ?
Mayers David Deputy Station Manager Management 1972 - 1976
McCausland John Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
McEvoy Eugene Station Superintendent Management 1970 - 1974
McGowan Dave Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
McGregor Ian Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
McLennan George Mobile Plant Driver Fuel Handling 1975 - 1992
Mead Terry Assistant Charge Engineer Operations 1954 - 1992
Medhurst Steve APA Coal Plant Fuel Handling ? - ?
Melanophy Ray Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Mercer John Senior Engineer KN Transmission ? - ?
Michie Stuart Unit Operator Operations 1984 - 2013
Mitchinson Peter Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Middleton B APA Laboratory Laboratory 1978 - 1992
Middleton John Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Mills Tony Assistant Shift Team Leader Operations 2000 - 2013
Mitchell M APA Coal Plant Fuel Handling 1966 - 1992
Mitchell Robin Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Mitchell John Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Mockridge Dave Engineer MMD ? - ?
Moody Harry Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Moore Geoff Unit Operator Operations 1975 - 2013
Moore Ron Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Moore Shirley Business Service Administrator Procurement 1978 - 2005
Morgan Bob Foreman MMD 1975 ish - ?
Morrad Rod Head of Procurement Procurement 1975 - 1995
Morrisson Eddie Unit Operator Operations ? - 2013
Moseley Dennis (Taffy) Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Mulvaney Brian Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Munday Ken Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Munn Dave Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - 2012
Myers B D Security Guard Services 1973 - 1992
Naylor Tom Foreman Operations 1970 - 1991
Nicholas Fred Foreman Operations ? - ?
Nicholas Trevor W Engineer Commissioning Team  1967 - 1971
Newman Frank ? Operations ? - ?
Norcott Bill Assistant Efficiency Dept ? - ?
O'Brian Pat Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
O'Neil Terry Unit Operator Operations 1974 - 1995
Orchard John Foreman Operations ? - ?
Osborne Fred Plant Attendant Operations 1976 - 1989
Ovenden Dave A Mobile Plant Driver Fuel Handling 1966 - 1992
Oxenham Terry Unit Operator Operations 1984 - 2013
Palmer Derek Plant Attendant Operations 1984 - ?
Palmer Jim Engineer IMD ? - ?
Parker John Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Parker Eddie Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Parkinson Alan EUO Operations 1966 - 2013
Parr Dick Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Parrett V I Craft Attendant 1983 - 1992
Parris Brian Foreman Operations ? - ?
Payas Albert Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Payas Dwayne Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Payne Richard SAP Operations 2006 - 2013
Peachey Clive Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Pennington Eric Shift Charge Engineer Operations 1960 - 1992
Perrin John Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Perret Alan Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Philp Ron Engineer Operations 1979 - 1996
Pointon Doug Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Poppy Harry ? Regional Projects ? - ?
Porter Clive Foreman MMD ? - ?
Potts Ray Craftsman MMD 1973 - 1992
Powar John Jarnail Electrical Fitter EBG 1994 - 2013
Pragassa L S APA Laboratory Laboratory 1980 - 1992
Prescott Keith Engineering Safety Officer Safety 1979 - 2013
Preston John SIME Operations ? - ?
Price Chris Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - 2013
Price John Assistant Shift Team Leader Operations 1976 - 2010
Probyn Bernard ? Regional Projects ? - ?
Ramsell Bert Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Ramsell Kevin Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Ratcliffe Dean Shift Team Leader Operations 1987 - 2013
Rayner Barry Assistant Engineer Planning Dept ? - ?
Read Bob Assistant Charge Engineer Operations 1956 - 1992
Reeks Denis Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Reid Gordon Assistant Admin Officer Administration ? - ?
Reynolds Mike Assistant Engineer EMD ? - ?
Richards M APA ? 1980 - 1992
Richardson Grenville Engineering Manager MMD ? - ?
Ridgley Graham Engineer Operations ? - ?
Riley Dennis Engineer MMD ? - ?
Roates R W APA ? 1980 - 1992
Roberts John B First Engineer Operations 1961 - 1992
Robinson Allan EUO Operations 1992 - 2013
Rock George Station Planning Engineer Planning 1967 - 1972
Rodgers Mick Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1977 - 2005
Rogers J M (Mrs) Clerical Assistant Administration 1979 - 1992
Roots Dave Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Roper Stan Engineer Operations ? - ?
Rose John Engineer Operations ? - ?
Roskell John D Foreman MMD 1973 - 1992
Ross Henry Engineer MMD 1977 - 1983
Ross Mike Operations Superintendent Operations 1965 - 1974
Rowe Len Foreman Fuel Handling ? - ?
Rowe R F Craftsman ? 1957 - 1992
Rowley Paul Shift Team Leader Operations ? - 2013
Ruddlesdin Reg First Aid Attendant Services ? - ?
Ruler Bert ? Resource Planning ? - ?
Russel Derek Assistant Chemist Laboratory ? - ?
Rye John TA Operations 1977 - 2003
Saunders Brian Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Saunders Cyril Engineer Services ? - ?
Savage Dave EUO Operations ? - 2013
Saville John UO Operations ? - ?
Sawyer Hugh Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Saxbee Neville Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1986 - 2013
Scarrat George Engineer MMD ? - ?
Scholes Clive Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Scott Colin Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Scott Malcolm Engineer Operations ? - ?
Seal Derek Foreman Fuel Handling 1967 - 1988
Seammen Des Assistant Engineer Commissioning Dept ? - ?
Sedgwick Dave Unit Operator Operations 1979 - 1993
Sellix Bob Production Manager Operations ? - ?
Sharich Tom Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Sheppard Andy Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Sheppard John Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Shingleton Barry H First Engineer Services 1963 - 1992
Simmons G A Driver ? 1979 - 1992
Sinclair Dave Senior Engineer EEC 1974 - 2000
Slucock Roger Foreman MMD ? - ?
Smart Harry Assistant Unit Operator Operations 1991 - 2013
Smart Doug Engineer Operations ? - ?
Smart Ken Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Smith Colin Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Smith Steve Engineer Operations ? - ?
Smith Bill Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Smith Paul Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Soane Derik Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Soules Brendon Water Treatment Operations ? - ?
Speller Bill Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Spearman Mike Assistant Engineer ? ? - 2013
Spence Keith Engineer Operations ? - ?
Spencer Bill Assistant Engineer Commissioning Dept ? - ?
Spiers Colin Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Spiggot Brian Finance Administration ? - ?
Spillett Ted Services Assistant Services 1980 - 1992
Stannard John Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Stapley Clive Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Starkey Graham EUO Operations 1979 - 2013
Stather Eric Deputy Station Manager Management 1967 - 1987
Stedman Harry TA Operations 1970 - 2013
Stedman John Unit Operator Operations 1967 - ?
Stenning Fred Efficiency Engineer Commissioning Dept 1965 - ?
Stevens John Development Engineer Development 1966 - 1974
Stevens Ken Engineer MMD ? - ?
Stevenson Ralph Unit Operator Operations 1977 - 1995
Stimson Lou Unit Operator Operations ? - 1989
Stirling Alan Mechanical Maintenance Engineer MMD 1977 - 2013
Stone Colin Foreman Operations ? - ?
Stone R A Driver ? 1980 - 1992
Stubley Andy Unit Operator Operations 1990 - 2013
Sturmer Cliff Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Styles S K Craftsman ? 1980 - 1992
Sullivan Danny Foreman Operations ? - ?
Sullivan Ron Commissioning Engineer Commissioning Dept ? - ?
Suttle Alec Foreman IMD ? - ?
Sylvester Ted APA Dust Plant Fuel Handling 1962 - 1992
Tatchell Phil Station Chemist Laboratory ? - ?
Taylor Paul Unit Operator Operations 1986 - 2013
Taylor John Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Taylor Chris Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Tester Vic Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Tester Eric Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Thorogood Mike Outage Planner Outage Planning Dept 1981 - 1985
Timbury Tim ? Regional Projects ? - ?
Todd Dave Shift Charge Engineer Operations ? - ?
Tolhurst D J Craftsman ? 1965 - 1992
Tolhurst Russell Unit Operator Operations 1987 - 2013
Tomkins Mark Assistant Engineer MMD ? - ?
Tong Pauline Cleaner Services ? - ?
Topham Steve Shift Team Leader Operations ? - 2013
Tower Steve Assistant Chrage Engineer Operations ? - ?
Towner Frank Aux Boilers Operations 1977 - 1992
Treadwell Dave APA Operations 1958 - 1992
Truman Ken Foreman Operations ? - ?
Trundle Malcolm C & I Engineer Regional Projects 1968 - 1991
Tunnicliffe Jim SIME IMD Shift ? - ?
Tweed Dave Unit Operator Operations ? - ?
Tye Chris Maintenance Manager Maintenance 1990 - 2014
Varga Les Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Vickers Brian Station Manager Management 1979 - 1986
Vickers Paul Plant Attendant Operations ? - ?
Vidgeon Bob Plant Attendant Operations 1978 - 2004
Viney Pete Assistant Engineer Operations ? - ?
Yates Les Senior Engineer Commissioning Dept ? - ?
Yaxley John Assistant Unit Operator Operations 2001 - 2013
Yaxley Reg Assistant Unit Operator Operations ? - 2003
Yaxley Terry Assistant Heath and Safety 1971 - 2002